[nesfa-reading-group] Discordant SF reference

David G. Grubbs dggrubbs at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 16:57:55 EDT 2022

In the TV show Longmine, which is about a modern-day Wyoming sheriff (Walt
Longmire), there is an SF reference that surprised me.  The show has its
share of rednecks, horses, Native Americans, woods, and wide-open spaces,
but it is really just a rural police procedural in most respects.

I was probably dozing and missed the full implication of the reference, but
what I *remember* was:  While looking for someone (either missing or a
suspect) in a murder investigation, Walt and one of his deputies search a
man's house. They go into a room with a bookcase. Walt starts looking at
titles and authors. The deputy asks, "What are you doing?"  Walt says, "You
can learn a lot about someone by looking at the books they read." Then in a
lowered voice says, "Hmm. Science fiction. Asimov."

His tone of voice was matter-of-fact, but I believe the implication was,
"The suspect reads SF? We need to look no further for the guilty party."

Nothing related to the books or SF showed up in the rest of the show, so it
was a throwaway line. I'll have to look again to see who wrote that episode.
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