[nesfa-reading-group] I will miss tonight's discussion.

David G. Grubbs dggrubbs at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 11:54:54 EDT 2022

I won't be at tonight's reading group meeting.  I have a performance of the
Verdi Requiem with the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra at 8PM at the
University of Lowell (Durgin Hall) tonight, which is free to the public.
We reprise the performance on Sunday at 4PM at MIT's Kresge Auditorium in
Cambridge, MA, which is a ticketed performance.

I thought I'd read *Cities of the Red Night* anyway and send a few
comments, but it took too long to find it in a library in Massachusetts and
have it shipped to my local library. So I didn't.

If it makes any difference, I'd vote for *Braking Day* and *Shadow of the
Gods* for our January and February books.

Please tell me the results of the vote (winner and runner-up for each
month) after tonight's meeting. I try to record those.

And I'll see y'all next month for *Gun, with Occasional Music*.
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