[nesfa-reading-group] Suggestions for next books to read

David G. Grubbs dggrubbs at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 19:24:28 EST 2020

   - John Scalzi - The Last Emperox  (third in a series and I enjoyed the
   first two: The Collapsing Empire and The Consuming Fire)
   - Martin Shoemaker - Today I Am Carey
   - Blake Crouch - Recursion (I absolutely loved his "Dark Matter")
   - James S. A. Corey - Leviathan Wakes (I brought this up before -- I'd
   like to see if the first volume of the series is good)
   - Patrick S. Tomlinson - Gate Crashers
   - Alastair Reynolds - Elysium Fire (6th in a "series", but his novels
   can stand alone -- I've read the first three and would love to go fill in
   the gaps too, so not next month please)
   - Andy Weir - Artemis (we read The Martian)
   - Susanna Clarke - Piranesi (I liked her Jonathan Strange and Mr.
   Norell.  And my wife, who is not a normal sf/fantasy reader, but who has
   really good taste in mainstream literature says it is great)
   - Alix E. Harrow - The Once and Future Witches (I liked her Ten Thousand
   Doors of January).
   - Derek Künsken - The Quantum Magician
   - David Gerrold - Hella
   - Kim Stanley Robinson - Ministry for the Future
   - Michael Swanwick - The Iron Dragon's Mother  (I liked The Iron
   Dragon's Daughter (1993))
   -  Richard K. Morgan - Black Man (also called Thirteen) (I liked several
   of Morgan's books)
   - Donald Kingsbury - Psychohistorical Crisis
   - Walter Jon WIlliams - Quillifer (I suggested this once before)


   - Martha Wells - Network Effect (fifth in the Murderbot series, but the
   first novel -- I've read the first of the four novellas).
   - Mary Robinette Kowal - The Relentless Moon (third in the Lady
   Astronaut series -- I've read the first two.)
   - Timothy Zahn - Thrawn (Yes, a Star Wars book, first in a trilogy.  But
   I always liked Zahn's writing.)
   - Naomi Novik - A Deadly Education (I liked her Uprooted and her dragon

Some older books I'd like to reread and discuss:

   - John Gardner - Grendel
   - Lester del Rey - Nerves
   - Poul Anderson - The Broken Sword
   - Brian Aldis - The Long Afternoon of Earth
   - John Brunner - The Shockwave Rider
   - L. Sprague de Camp - Lest Darkness Fall
   - David Gerrold & Larry Niven - The Flying Sorcerers
   - Harry Turtledove - The Guns of the South
   - John W. Campbell, Jr. - Invaders from the Infinite
   - Emma Bull - War for the Oaks
   - Michael Moorcock - Elric of Melniboné
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